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Step 1 . STAFF打出題目(三個語言),打完後會在聊天室倒數五秒。請在五秒內將角色移動到你認為正確答案的範圍中


Step 2 . 答錯即淘汰,請將角色移動到作答範圍外

Step 3.留在場上的最後一位小貓咪即為此活動冠軍

Step 4 .冠軍的名字將會被打在SERI老師為本次茶會所繪製的精美獎勵圖上,並發布於各SNS平台,以資獎勵。我們也會提供台灣和日本ibon列印碼,讓所有小貓咪可自行至ibon列印獎勵圖。



錨點 1
錨點 2

Step 1 . After STAFF speaking out the question, we’ll countdown 5 seconds.Please choose your answer by moving your character in the O zone or the X zone in 5 seconds.

※Kittens in the picture are just examples, please stay tuned to the event day.

Step 2 . Once your answer is incorrect,you’ll be eliminated and please leave the O/X area.

Step 3.The last one kitten that stay on the field is the WINNER.

Step 4 .The winner’s name will be written down on an elegant picture that is drawn by SERI 님 for this event specialy,and we’ll post on all our SNS accounts, as an honor.
We’ll also provide that everyone can print it out as a commemorative postcard in convenience stores in Taiwan & Japan.


※The competition will be held on Varket, please registerbefore the event, then you can use the charactersthat we provide on the event day.


錨點 5
錨點 3

Step 1 . スタッフの人が質問をすると5秒カウントダウンをします。5秒で自分のキャラをOゾーン又はXゾーンに移動して、正しい答えを選んでください。



Step 3 .最後に残った子猫ちゃんが勝ちです。






【如何註冊 / How to register / 登録方法】

錨點 4
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